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What is NPMDT?

New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation

New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation has at its essence Love without conditions and respect for all life forms. We recognize the Divine energy that created the entire universe with all life forms and that we are an intrinsic part of that same Creation.

We live in times of massive change. It is not only change in the structures of our societies, but also change in our consciousness. We live to LOVE, to bring that LOVE into our lives. We are all LOVE. Many have forgotten this and given their power away to the energy of fear. Don’t give your power away to anybody or anything!

To be in LOVE is to be FREE. The most important challenge in integrating this LOVE is to LOVE ourselves. Now is the time to wake up to our multi-dimensional selves and become whole. WHOLENESS IS LOVE. Wake up and Dream!

What we mean by New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation

At this time the whole earth and humanity has just made a multidimensional shift from 3D to 4D, and this will continue on to 5D or higher. Our physical bodies and light bodies are TRANSFORMING, in order to be able to hold more light. The shift and the vibrational increase are both caused by and are causing PARADIGM shifts throughout the world. We are undergoing a crystalline TRANSFORMATION, a vibrational TRANSFORMATION, a PARADIGM-shift TRANSFORMATION. We are part of a process that is on-going at this time, cause and effect intertwined from our point of view. And our point of view is expanding MULTI-DIMENSIONALLY.


The central core of this energy is Love, Love and Freedom. Love for oneself and an innate knowingness of one’s connection with Mother – Father God and all Creation. Freedom from all that stands in the way of that knowingness. Freedom to know who you are, and to step into your Power, to step into your Mastery.


In one of our classes you will experience meditations designed to help you to clear away the old emotional debris you have been carrying around through lifetimes. Then you will be activated with these multidimensional transformational energies, which come from Mother-Father Source through Master Germain and the other Multidimensional Masters, so that you may use these energies whenever you will.


The main purpose of these clearings and activations are for your own evolutionary development. As you evolve, you make it easier for the rest of humanity to do so as well. You help the collective consciousness of humanity to expand and grow into the consciousness of Love.

As a by-product, you may call upon these energies to help facilitate healing (bringing back into balance), both your own physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual systems and those of others. The Ascended Master Germain assures us that these energies are now part of an energetic gridwork around the Earth, which we may call upon easily at any time, once we have been activated to them in a New Paradigm MDT workshop.


The origins of this system lie way back in pre-history as we know it. The being we now know as Master Germain was incarnate in Atlantis at the time. He brought through from Source and the Universe the original system in order to help in the evolution of low vibrational beings that were being used as slaves. He wanted to make this slavery unacceptable and to free these beings from their bondage of ignorance.

The system today is much expanded, for we are ready for much higher energies now, but its purpose is similar: to free us from our bondage of ignorance, to bring us into the Love and Freedom of our own mastery. What does it mean to be a Master? It does not mean having power over others. It simply means being a Master of oneself, as any true Master will tell you.


This New Paradigm MDT energy is no less than the collective consciousness of the Ascended and Galactic Masters, often called Shamballa. This resonance is now available to us as we open the crystalline energy matrices within our energy fields to receive it.

This “Diamond Frequency” is a highly-refined and extremely transformational frequency and also a very powerful healing energy. Activations to this frequency allow us access to the new codings which are being downloaded through the Galactic Centers in order to stabilize and harmonize humanity’s and the Earth’s harmonics to become One Unified Harmonic. Receiving the new codings and operating within the Diamond Frequency will mean increased multi-dimensional awareness and eventually developing dormant senses, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and the other multidimensional senses that we have forgotten about but which are our birthright as children of Mother-Father Source.

NOW is the time to release all unnecessary programs from the past and to prepare to receive the new energies coming in. We are co-creating here on Earth things beyond our imagination. You are invited to be present in each and every moment, and to enjoy the dance through to the end of time.

To access this energy after your activation, you just call it in by saying, “Shamballa ON!” You don’t need to switch it off; the energy knows when the work is done. No complicated left-brain shenanigans to help convince you that you can’t or aren’t worthy or such rubbish. Such thoughts and feelings have no place in the lives of you who are stepping into the mastery of Love. I Germain congratulate each and every one of you, as do the Galactic Masters, on your focus, bravery, fearlessness, and we encourage you to step forward with that energy and become YOU. —Master Germain through Hari Das Baba / John Armitage