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Hearts Communicate

XOld – Through our hearts


We communicate openly and with love — there is no fear, no doubt, no judgment

Our hearts always tell us the truth, not just what we want to hear!



Just a little bit of information about who I am and how I came to be here!

holiday koko sm2

Animal Communication

My aim is to help solve problems through heart-based communication. Here’s some information about what to expect.



  • Animal Communication
    • New Paradigm MDT:

    • Basic Master
    • Basic Master Teacher
    • 13D Master

It’s All Energy

A few ways that I share energy with others:

  • Animal Communication
  • Akashic Records
  • Flower Essences
  • New Paradigm MDT

I’m teaching “How to Communicate with your Animal Friends: the Basics” on Saturday June 22nd from 10 to 5 at my home (in New Orleans). Fee: $100 which includes a light lunch. Registration is limited so reserve soon!

Learn the basics of communicating telepathically with animals (and all beings), living or in spirit. Class will include meditations, practice communication and much more.

My trip to the Silver Bank swimming with humpback whales
off the coast of the Dominican Republic was indescribably heart-opening!

Here are photos, video and more