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Hearts Communicate

Animal Communication Workshops

Faun and Pauhlino 1984

Faun and Pauhlino 1984

Register for a workshop here

“Communication Intensive (with Animals and other Beings)”:

(3 days, 6-7 hrs. each day) Are you ready to deepen your communication skills?

While the primary focus for this event will be communicating with our animal friends, that focus will be expanded to include how we naturally communicate with all beings/things using our innate telepathic and intuitive abilities.

In this 3-day event we will refresh and expand upon the basics of telepathic communication with

  • lots of exercises to explore and strengthen the ways that we each receive and feel information;
  • we will communicate extensively with our own and other participants’ animals friends – in bodies and in spirit;
  • there will be a field trip to communicate with Nature and nature spirits;
  • the use of flower essences in the communication process and for the benefit of our animal friends will be a part of the workshop;
  • crystals and other iconic beings may present themselves for communication.

Pre-registration required – registration is limited.

Participants are strongly encouraged to read “Kinship With All Life” by J. Allen Boone in advance of the workshop.
The book can be purchased online from Amazon.

“How to Communicate with Your Animal Friends: the Basics”:

(1 day, 6-8 hrs.) Learn the basics of communicating telepathically with animals (and all beings), living or in spirit. Workshop will include usable tools and exercises in connecting with your heart, guided meditations, practice telepathic communication with living animals and those in spirit, and more. (Animals will not be present physically!) Every one can do this!

What we will do in the workshop:

  • Discuss communication & telepathic communication
  • Discuss the blocks to communication
  • Meditation to connect with the heart
  • Exercises in feeling energy & increasing intuition
  • Exercises to still the mind
  • Exercise to be present in Nature
  • Six+ exercises communicating with animals: a living animal teacher, animals living & in spirit, & your own animal friends
  • Other useful communication tools

Pre-registration required – registration is limited.

“How to Communicate with Your Animal Friends: Part Two”:

(1 day, 6-8 hrs.) More in-depth communication tools and lots more practice communicating with your animal friends, with a focus on the “conversation”. Workshop will also include additional tools and exercises in connecting with your heart, guided meditations, practice telepathic communication with living animals and those in spirit, and more. (Animals will not be present physically!)

What we will do in the workshop:

  • More about what communication is & our responsibilities
  • What the blocks to communication are
  • How to get past them
  • Meditation to connect with the heart
  • How to connect with the heart on a daily basis
  • Exercise in having a conversation without words
  • Six+ exercises communicating with animals – conversations
  • How to practice at home

Pre-registration required – registration is limited.

“Introduction to Animal Communication: Preparing Yourself to Communicate with Animals”:

(3 hrs.) This mini-workshop is for the absolute beginner. It is a bare bones introduction to energy and how to feel it, the chakras, and how we are connected to each other – all as relates to learning to speak with your animal friends. Some fun exercises to stimulate your dormant abilities!

animal communication classes

Faun and Pauhlino 1984

Read what students had to say about the animal communication workshops

For more information or to be placed on the list for notification of upcoming workshops, email me at:

Register for a workshop here